1.5.1 Configuration for pkg-config was added. Dynamic library versions were cleaned up. RPM and DEB packages were added. Include headers were reorganized. 1.5.0 Support for variable short index levels was added. History API was implemented. Zlib sources dropped (dynamic link with -lz instead). Full support for UTF-8 console, color support and other changes in Sdict CLI. Code cleanup. 1.2.0 Fixes for some dictionary types. Version information was added to DLL. Include files were reorganized. New library functions. 1.0.5 Function to get relative dictionary position and other functions were added. 1.0.4 Dictionary seek functions were added. 1.0.3 Win32 DLL fixes. 1.0.2 DLL exports were added. 1.0.1 License was changed to LGPL. Win32 port. Code cleanups 1.0.0 Global writeables are removed. Fixes merged from Symbian port. Bugfixes. 0.9.1 Header files fixes. 0.9.0 First tested release.