2.8 Detection of big-endian systems was added (but those systems are still not supported yet). 2.7 Documentation was updated. More files included into distribution. 2.6 Dictionary compiler fixes for win32 platform. 2.5 Dictionary compiler bug was fixed. 2.4 New features in Web dictionary script: dictionary browser, logging, new page layout. Numeric sorting was added to dictionary compiler. Small utility called 'dctinfo' was added to distribution. Bugfixes. 2.3 Optional 'charset' keyword added to dictionary source file header. A number of bugs were fixed. Code cleanups. 2.2 '--lowercase-alias', '--force-to-lowercase' and '--disable-duplicates' options were added to dictionary compiler. Non-standard indexes now supported in ptksdict. Online dictionary compiler is launched. Code cleanups. Bugfixes. 2.1 Variable short index levels added to .dct file compiler. Sdict library now supports 'analyze' function to get overall information about optimal dictionary compilation method. Configurable article format in ptksdict. Documentation was updated as well as bugfixes were made. Documentation added to Sdict.pm. Full Win32 support. 2.0 Initial announcement.